Monday, November 06, 2006

"Geeks R Cool"

A friend of mine, William, recently crossed the line between ordinary mortal and celebrity (kinda) when he starred in a music video. Some of you, atleast the Norwegian part of you, may know who Sergeant Petter is (, and if you dont, you certainly will after having seen this one. The video rocks and so does William in it. Stop asking me which one William is...I will get to it in a minute. I was one of the few who hadnt heard much of Sgt Petter (apart from recognizing the name), but after having seen this video I must admit I am intrigued. In fact, I might have to go buy one of his albums...So I guess the video works...since thats the point of videos. -And if it works on you too, its even better. Anyways; here's the video. Enjoy!

Oh, by the way. William is the cute student with glasses (the first one in a close-up frame)