Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ai ai ai

-AAAAAAAAAtchoooo! *wipes snot off keyboard* Yuck! Gotta love the cold…It’s the same every year…one should think the human body which can adapt to upright walking, UV radiation and Hershey chocolate (an adaptation that is still a mystery to me), would be able to adapt to the abrupt change in weather that comes at this time of year. Every year, when the season changes from summer to fall, or winter to spring, I get a cold. I eat my C vitamins…I eat my fruits, I drink my water, clean…and I wash my hands whenever I’ve used the bathroom, public as well as private. And yet here I am…incapable of breathing through the nose, eyes swollen like I’ve cried non stop for 2 days, and a head that’s at least 4 pounds too heavy. It would be ok if my body could just decide which temperature to stick to. You find yourself sweating like you suddenly moved by teleportation to Sahara with your biggest winter jacket on, and decide to eat some ice cream (since you obviously feel a bit sorry for yourself…which by the way is perfectly ok as long as you don’t overdo it like men usually do) and then 10 minutes later you are freezing cold and long for that big winter jacket you left in the Sahara desert you just visited.

Stupid body.

Im still gonna eat ice cream though…

That is one of those things I can never really get enough of. Ice cream. Even after a 6 course dinner, I can usually find room for ice cream. Season doesn’t matter either. Winter, spring, summer, fall, there is always a season for ice cream. Perhaps that is why I now have a cold. Come to think of it, I had a bit more ice cream than I should have had last Saturday…Pistachio flavor to be exact…with chocolate sauce…the kind that hardens on the cold ice cream? You know it. *wipes nose*

Either way it doesn’t matter. The boyfriend had a cold a week or two ago, so the biologist in me claims that’s why I now find myself alone and sick…boys are selfish that way. Doesn’t matter how sick they are, they always want to lick your tonsils…but then again, girls are plain dumb for letting them. So there you go.

One dumb girl down with the cold.
