Its peculiar how the weather can affect your mood. I would actually go as far as to say its down right weird. We (and this is not a wild exaggeration…believe it or not) actually had 85 days on a row with rain here in Bergen this winter. You can only imagine the kind of mood the brave people of our city was fighting after so many days wearing raincoats and hiding under umbrellas. You try going shopping when everyone around you pokes you with their umbrellas and spend 5 minutes yelling at you for taking the last pair of rubber boots on the shelf. An entire city of premenstrual people. Longing desperately for one minute of sunshine.
85 days on a row with rain…2 more days and we would have beaten the record for the country (which some other city holds). But of course just as the competition instincts of our city’s population started to fire up, and we all got excited about maybe breaking the record (despite being tired of wearing raincoats), the sun popped out from behind the 85 days long cloudy sheet it had been hiding behind. Now the good thing about people from Bergen is that no matter how long it has been raining…no matter how long the weather has been bad, we forget it as soon as we see the sun. One or two days of sunny weather is enough to erase the memories of poor weather. Although no one has actually dared to say this out loud, I am pretty sure the sun saved more than one weather depressed suicidal person that day. The ironic part of it all though, is that we got one day (-One whole day) without any precipitation before it started up again. As if the weather Gods decided we weren’t fit to hold the record, and decided to fvck (<- for some of my special friends) with us just to make us frustrated and more suicidal.
After the one whole beautiful sunny day, heavens gates opened up again and bathed us in more water. However this time it came down as soft, beautiful snow. I cannot remember the last time I saw the city covered in snow, but the sight was enough to shift my mood from depressed “Im-so-sick-of-rain-and-wind”- sulk to “I-cannot-believe-the-world-can-be-this-beautiful”-ecstasy. I don’t really think I was aware of how moody I had been, until I saw the snow and felt a weird sense of happiness and being high. I guess you can say people get high on “snow” all the time…but Im referring to natures snow. Water in a solid state.
Anyways, I spent a couple of days hiking and trying not to break any legs on the icy pavements. I enjoyed it too. Then of course it started to rain again. And it has rained ever since…
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The one about the weather and stuff...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Most Dangerous Animal In The World
Ive known it for some time...There has always been something creepy about sheep...the way they stare at you...without looking away. Im just glad I finally got it confirmed. I am not insane after all.
Monday, January 08, 2007
2007…I could have sworn it was 1998 just a little while ago…I have such a hard time believing that the 1990s happened 7 years ago! 7 years! How can it possibly be 7 years since we entered the new millennium? I remember 7 years ago on New Years Eve…It was raining cats and dogs outside…and we (my friends and I) took the bus into the city to watch the fireworks…which I believe a hired Japanese fireworks expert was going to launch…(or was that for the constitution day? I cant remember…). That was 7 years ago. I was only 18…
It is 12 years (!!!) since one of my favorite movies, 12 monkeys, was released. I remember watching that one twice at the theater…I had to explain it to my friends ‘cause they didn’t get it. And it is now 7 years since I graduated from High School…and I am still not done with my education. One bachelor degree in 7 years…makes me sound very lazy doesn’t it? I guess to my defense I can say I spent one of those years abroad…and the rest of them testing out different branches within science…ecology, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, molecular biology, microbiology…etc etc. So its not like Ive been sitting at home scratching my ass. But it is time I finish up. And I have started the process. This coming year I am going to start my thesis on toxic mold. So at least I am moving in the right direction study wise.
On a personal level I am optimistic. I am starting the new year as opposite of single, which feels great. -Nothing like a boyfriend to make an otherwise pessimistic individual optimistic. My best friend (who has been hiding in England) is back in the country for good (I hope), with no plans of eloping as far as I know. My other best friend just got a raise and starts the new year with more to play around with (proud of you).
I have a part time job and an apartment with a great location. I think it will be a good year. I hope it will be a good year.
Time will tell.