Not to worry, I am alive and well (if you were wondering).
The past week has been busy as hell...not that I know how hell is like...I mean, if its busy there or if its painfully slow...I will actually assume the latter...But I have hardly been home. Ive been home to sleep and eat..thats about it. My days have been occupied by Uni, and my evenings by the local theatre. I have spent 7 nights in the world of cinema thanks to an international film festival. It has been surprisingly such a degree that I have ditched uni today just to sleep and perhaps do a little shopping. That is my pathetic attempt of being reckless...but atleast I am trying. Anyway, I have watched some pretty amazing movies, and one in particular I would recommend for my friend Beat.
Ive updated the movie blog on my last week, you can read about it there if you Im going outside to enjoy the sunshine. Fall and sunshine dont usually coincide in this part of the planet I call home.
Carpe diem and all that stuff.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Ode to Fall
How silently they tumble down
And come to rest upon the ground
To lay a carpet, rich and rare,
Beneath the trees without a care,
Content to sleep, their work well done,
Colors gleaming in the sun.
At other times, they wildly fly
Until they nearly reach the sky.
Twisting, turning through the air
Till all the trees stand stark and bare.
Exhausted, drop to earth below
To wait, like children, for the snow.
by Elise N. Brady
Its not often we get to see the colors of fall around here...In fact, I cannot remember having seen yellow and red leaves since my year in New York City. Usually it starts raining in August/September and the temperature drops too quickly to give the leaves a chance to change color...they simply turn brown over night and fall off.
The good thing about that though, is that you really learn to appreciate it if you get a chance to experience it. -And the past couple of days have been great for just that. The combination of sun and crisp air along with yellow and orange leaves has done wonders for my mood. I cannot believe that it is actually fall. I am looking out the window of my study room at Uni right now and the beautiful garden outside is filled with yellow, orange and red colors. -And I cannot help but smile...Which when you think about it is pretty morbid, considering the fact that these colors are a result of dying organic matter. -Leaves which have spent all spring and summer working overtime producing sugar by photosyntesis so that the rest of the tree can survive winter.
Kamikaze leaves.
In honor of fall I therefore decided to change the color of my hair to match the leaves.
I just wrote that because it sounds noble. The truth is that I made a deal with my hairdresser. (She made me an offer I couldnt refuse....) Since my hair can never hold on to color I dont see a point in spending lots of moolah on haircoloring, just to see it come off after a week. So I gave her free hands to color it however she wanted in exchange for a rather reasonable price.
So now my hair is red.
Its wild and I love it! I fit in perfectly with the leaves. Fall is my season.
So If the rain comes later tonight and wash the leaves off the trees, atleast I got to experience fall this year...even if it was just for a couple of days (or a week if you count my hair).
Ive added some more photos in the photoblog.