I usually dont give reviews of books Ive read...not because I dont like to talk about books...or because I dont read...cause I do. In fact I always have a book Im working on...I just tend to take a while reading them. I spend all day reading scientific articles or text book litterature, so reading isnt the first thing on my mind when I get home at night. However, this weekend I started reading a book I just have to tell you about. I picked it up on Friday and finished it at Sunday, which is unusually quick being me. I simply could not put it down. (I mean, obviously I did put it down at times or I would have finished it by Friday...but you know what I mean...).
The book, which is called "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" (by Mark Haddon), is about a 15 year-old kid who seems to be...what should I say...mentally challenged, but turns out to be more autistic than unintelligent. He decides to find out who killed the neighbors dog and in the process discovers a lot more about himself and his family. The 15 year-old is the narrator and this is what makes the book so hard to put down. The story is told through his eyes, and you find yourself realizing truths way before the narrator himself gets it, and it is wonderfully frustrating. If you are looking for a book to read, this one comes highly recommended. Another pluss is the short chapters. I tend to read while eating breakfast and usually dont have much time...so short chapters make it easy to read a few chapters qucikly and then carry on with what you were supposed to do.
So there you go. Now you know what the next book on your list is...in case you were wondering.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
2007 in retrospect
As we have now entered a new year, I wish to take a moment to reminisce the previous one. I am not going to give a long detailed review of how everything went down and what I did during 2007...but at the end of each year I always feel the need to look back for a little while and recap the highlights and the bombs of the past year.
I guess 2007 didnt really bring anything spectacular. My life situation is still the same. The guy I mentioned in my 'new year'-post last year is still my boyfriend. I am still a student. I am still living in the same apartment. I still work in the same grocery store. My boss is still the same (and claims to be a little frustrated that Im not afraid of her...bless her heart). The pug is still fat (although he has lost some weight). In short, everything is normal and comfortable. I dont know why that sounds so negative. But it kind of does, doesnt it? Fortunately I dont see it that way. I think most people are happy when life is comfortable and as conflict free as possible. I personally prefer to have a comfortable frame I can hide in when things start getting uncomfortable. That way I can push the lines and try new stuff and still know that if all fails, I can go back to my safe zone and recuperate.
I guess if you are reading this (all 3 or 4 of you) you are thinking that "poor Ski doesnt have much of a life...." and you couldnt be more wrong. I did change a couple of things and I have gotten some new hobbies...or at least rediscovered a few. I changed my haircolor from natural dirty blond to red...or brownish red. Looks good I think...and the boyfriend seems to agree. I have allowed myself to switch between styles more than before. I am just as happy being a girly girl one day and then a tomboy the other. My friend Linn (reader number 1 or 2..perhaps even 1 AND 2) was shocked when I showed up at her New Years Eve party in a dress...I had no idea that was such a rare thing...Ive never thought of it before...but I guess you are right. I dont really wear dresses much to parties...Im more of a jeans and tee kind of girl. As well as switching between fashion styles, Ive also reduced my black collection of clothes to a minimum. I can now honestly say that I love wearing yellow, green and purple just as much as black. Colors rock! It actually does improve your mood...and I thought sunshine was the only thing that worked...
As far as hobbies goes, Ive joined a film club...I know...nerdy stuff, but man how cool is it to watch old movies in a modern theater!? Highly recommended...nerd or not. Im hoping they'll show "Cool hand Luke" this semester....I would love to see Paul Newman on the big screen.
Another nerd artifact I now have in my possession is Nintendo Wii...The kicker though, is that this stuff is far more fun to play with other people than by yourself...Not at all as nerdy as I thought it was...Lots of fun to engage friends with.
And then we have the travels. 2007 was the year of France. April came with Nice and November/December came with Paris. I got a chance to practice my French and surprisingly enough I remember more than I thought. I must have actually paid attention in class! Shocker.
So before this turns into the review I said it wasnt going to be, I would like to hand out the 2007 flower and the 2007 cactus. I will start with the cactus;
The cactus goes to the University of Bergen for stealing so much of my free time. Especially to the CO2 apparatus for making me get up at 8 o'clock on Sunday mornings in vain...
The flower goes to...well i think I need to divide the flower in two. One half goes to the boyfriend for taking me to Nice and to Paris (which I love almost as much as New York). J'adore Paris and Nice was perhaps even more charming. Great bday and anniversary gifts! The other half of the flower is actually going to a fictional character...and I know my friends will laugh now...but my teen hero returned this year and got me all worked up for months, waiting impatiently although excitingly for his return. And I was not disappointed. John McClane was cooler than ever. I can only hope there will be more chapters to follow. I simply love this character. So friends...laugh if you will but remember; its good to allow yourself to get excited...especially about the little things ;)
So 2008, huh? Time flies...and I have a feeling this year will bring more uncertainty...Im supposed to end my education...and hopefully I will get a job...but Im not going to worry about that now. Time will tell.