So, here's the thing;
I cut my hair two weeks ago and while sitting there watching my personal hairdresser (ooo that sounds posh!) cut off my locks, I was talking to her about coloring my hair again. I have been a brunette, a red-head and a blond (my natural haircolor) and I was thinking of maybe going red again. It is fall after all, and red goes with the season. She, that would be my hairdresser, agreed that red was the way to go and suggested that perhaps I could be a hairmodel for her. She had some color she needed to try out and it just so happened to be red. Voilá! I had an appointment for a coloring session. Free of charge. Which goes well with my student budget. 200 bucks worth of treatment for free is synonymous with "yes please, thank you very much".
So the following week she colored it. And I love the result. I really do. But I have been puzzled by this color. It is say the least. But I dont mind that. There is nothing more boring than merging with the crowd. Standing out is cool and everything, -but I would like to know which color my hair actually is. At first I thought: red. Definetely red. Then the light hit my hair a little differently and it looked like a dark pink. So I thought: Cool. Then, in different light again it looked purple. At this point Im thinking; WuddeFok? What color is it!!?
The first person to comment on it was Lars at Uni. He told me I looked "cool today with purple hair and matching shoes and cell phone" (my beautiful purple phone). He wasnt being ironic, I know he saw it as purple. And I agreed. Thank you for the compliment, by the way.
Then there was Irene (who I like to refer to as there are several Irenes around) who blurted out: "Wow! you colored your hair! That's what I call RED!" So she thinks it's red...And I really can't disagree...
Days go by and I start feeling comfortable with the red-head image. I am now a red-head.
That is...until I go to work and a little 5 year old girl sees me and starts crying. I used to have spikes in my hair at one point, and a mohawk after that, so Ive been used to watching old ladies clutch their handbags a little extra when I pass them on the streets (had they only known what a nerd I really am)...But I have never made a child cry before. I was a little befuddled by this as my hair is way more conservative at this point than it has been before. I didnt know I looked that scary. I DID have a 2 year-old tell me once: "Wow! You look weird!" Which was hilarious and the boy was so cute I just wanted to pick him up and cuddle him. I told him he looked really cool and his dad was tomato-red thinking I must have gotten offended.
But this girl started crying...
Then I hear her tell her mom (while still crying): "mommy, I want purple hair like that tooooo!" Upon which mommy nervously replies; "but you have such beautiful long, blond hair!" I had to laugh. I love kids.
So my hair is purple again. And few people know colors as well as kids, right? I am confused...
I really dont want to care anymore...but you know how it is. Once you get your mind set on something you really want to find the answer. That is why Eirik at work last night became such an epiphany to me...or I guess he gave me an epiphany...Either way he nailed it. This is the kind of guy who tells you exactly what is on his mind...good or bad...and we were talking about glasses and personal style and something something I cannot remember, when he simply said: "Yeah sure, but you can do it because you have plum-red hair". And I thought: "That's it! Its plum-red! Its not red or purple, its both! Its plum colored!" Aaaaah that felt GOOD!
So i think I am settled with it now. I have plum-colored hair with a touch of pink. And I am loving it. But just to give you an idea of what I have been talking about, I have taken some pictures. However, watching the pictures makes me realize this color doesnt photograph well...Somehow it looks less intense in pictures...But I'll post them anyways;
Yes, this is me. -Practicing my 'less-intelligent'-look for my next trip to rural Idaho. I'd like to see the customs agent who won't fall for this one! "Getting married" ass. Oh! By the way...this one kinda shows off the pink'ish purple..ish...color.
Different light makes it look red. Very red.
And here we're back to purple...or perhaps a little brown...just to confuse you/me even more. And that completes a whole F'ing blog about my hair. Sweet! Who said you need interesting topics?