Friday, October 24, 2008

I have a ghost in my apartment.

You may laugh…s’all good. But I am becoming more and more convinced about this. I guess I have always been kinda spiritual…not sure about religion and all that, but I do believe that there is more between heaven and earth than what we are aware of…I believe in energies and the possibility of an energy lingering at a familiar place after the body stops working. I do. I really do and I can say this as a scientist. -Cause no matter how you twist and turn it, that’s what I am…a scientist…at least until I’m done with my master thesis. I believe in evolution, in biology, in the connection between neurons in the human brain that makes us perceive our environment differently. What I as a person may regard as the simple expanding of a metal pipe due to heath, may to someone else be the knocking of a ghost…trapped in the wall. I reason. I use my science background to evaluate. I am boring. However, I do believe that there are happenings out there which science as of today cannot explain. This doesn’t mean we won’t find an explanation for it…we may later…but in the meantime I will keep an open mind.

I believe I can tell you exactly when I came in contact with the aforementioned ghost. As scary as it sounds I can tell you the exact spot. And I can tell you this due to the feeling I got when entering this spot. I was at the attic of the university institute I belong to. There is a story of a man getting murdered at this institute, by the use of Mercury…apparently this happened some 40-50 years ago…I honestly don’t know much…other than a man dying and someone finding a beaker of Mercury in the ventilation system of his office some years later.

Anyway, I was up there to collect some glassware…or equipment if you will…when I saw an open door to a room I had never been to. As I am curious by nature I had to have a look and entered the room. It was an old office-space with a tiny window in the roof. It had an old radio and a tiny bookshelf in one of the corners and I remember feeling pretty creeped out while standing there. You know the feeling? Chills down you spine…you know what that means if you’ve seen that documentary about dead people…what’s it called….”The sixth sense”.

I think maybe something latched onto me at this moment. Obviously I don’t know this for sure…all I know is that the next morning I had my first toothpaste incident…

I have a specific spot for my toothpaste. When I’m done with it, I put the toothpaste back into the cabinet and I close the door. I do this as to avoid knocking it off my sink every morning…also because my sink is small and I don’t want the little space that is there for soap to be filled with other stuff. Want to keep it pretty and clean, you know? But this specific morning…after my creepy loft-session, the toothpaste was back on the sink. I could have sworn I put it in the cabinet…but I figured I had probably forgotten about it and didn’t waste any more time thinking about it.

A couple of days go by and the toothpaste stays in the cabinet…then suddenly one morning its back on the sink. I know for sure I was the last person in the bathroom the night before…and I never leave the toothpaste on the sink. Every night I open the cabinet door, take out the toothpaste, put some on my brush and return it to the cabinet…I don’t even put the toothpaste down on the sink. Yet there it is…on the sink. Still I’m thinking I must have put it there…so I leave the thought alone.

This morning the toothpaste was back on the sink. It has been a couple of days since the last incident. Just long enough for me not to think about it anymore. I am now convinced I put it in the cabinet and something else has taken it out and put it on the sink. I do find it amusing though…if you are going to get a ghost in your house, it is nice to get one that is obsessed with toothpaste as opposed to someone/something that wants you dead. It’s all good…I can share my toothpaste with whatever it is that wants to play with it. But I would prefer if it would put it back into the cabinet when it’s done with it. I’m also thinking I may be going insane as I caught myself saying out loud this morning: “It’s ok if you want to borrow it…but please put it back in afterwards…the toothpaste goes here!” *pointing to spot in the cabinet*

I do have to laugh…it is delightful. I will see if the ghost follows me when I move next month. Perhaps if it stays, the next person living there will allow it to do whatever the hell it wants to with the damn toothpaste. I on the other hand, want it in the cabinet.

1 comment:

toptees said...

Hello. Just to let you know that curiosity is an awesome thing and I thought that I might share with you how I discovered your little story(smiles). But I'll make this short. I googled- "ghost, toothpaste". To establish the validity(sp?) of this incident I feel that I must let you know that "ghost and toothpaste" isn't what I particularly would think go "hand-in-hand" and not something that I would remotely google.
I keep finding the tube of toothpaste in the sink. I know that it isn't me or my family doing this because we are germaphobics and we don't leave anything where we spit. But I remember finding this particular tube in the sink. I brushed my teeth, then placed it back on the sink. Within several hours no one entered that bathroom! I later went into it to use it and discovered that same tube laying in the sink. Wow. I repeat...Wow.
Now that this incident has happened. I remembered what I shrugged off on the past about my son letting us know that the TV is haunted. He reported it turning itself on as well as the DVD Payer opening and closing. Wow.