Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The little things

I love the little things. I LOVE the little things...I love the little things.

I figured if I wrote it down 3 times, I would be able to concentrate on it. Look away from the big things that are bothering me...Sometimes the bigger issues get in the way of the small things...Issues like that is draining you and shifting your attention from the small things that can make a seemingly bad day pretty good after all.

For instance, I watched a short docu-soap or whatever they call it...a reality based program with 2 newlyweds who wasnt exactly acting like newlyweds...and they got several pieces of homework from this therapist. One of these assignments was to write down 3 things you love about your significant other...every night. Ive thought about this and it is really brilliant. It is like the high/low concept I talked about earlier this year and which my friend wawa keeps doing still (link to the right) where you mention the best and the worst incidents of the day. Focusing on the good sides of your partner can really shift focus. Not that I need to do exercises like this right now. I am happy. I love his ability to compromise, his cuddling nature and his sense of mention a few. But there will always come a time when exercises like this are necessary. Nobody can stay deliriously happy all the time. That shit only happens in the movies...

I also love that he wants to take me to the movies tonight...on a day that has been pretty stressful. -A small thing that perhaps evens out bigger issues. At least for today. It can even overshadow small crappy things like the really shitty cup of coffee (and I do mean shitty) I am drinking right now *gag*.

So I love the little things...I LOVE the little things...say it with me. You may need this some day as well....remember to love the little things.

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