Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sleep vs Life

I actually watched the sunrise today...And I realized that I havent seen many sunrises in my life. It wasnt a particularly beautiful sunrise...slightly yellow with grey clouds in the horizon. -Could have been much prettier...but it hit me that I spend way too much time sleeping. Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep. I love to dream (although I had a very unnerving dream this morning, which I hope never come true), but it really is such a waste. I am a biologist and ofcourse I do know that without sleep our bodies would fall apart and our minds would crash like my packard bell laptop tends to do, but still when you think about it, sleep is such a waste. Imagine all the things you could do if you didnt need any sleep.

The average adult human being needs 8-9 hours of sleep every night according to various studies. That is 2920 hours every year. If you live to be 75 years old, you will have spent 25 years sleeping! Apparently enough sleep every night adds years to your life, but is it really worth it? Lets say 8 hours a night adds 5 years to your life. No one really knows how much longer you will live with 8 hours sleep, but 5 years is a fair amount I should think. Now, if you instead of sleeping 8 hours every night, decided to sleep 6.5 hours, you would sleep about 20 years of your life (in a 75 years lifespan). Meaning; you will have saved up the 5 years you might have gained by sleeping 8 hours! So in reality, you will have an equal amount of time to experience life in. -Only with 6.5 hours you get more time on a daily basis, while 8 hours a night gives you extra time at age 75-80. I dont know...but more time right now seems like a better deal than waiting until Im so old I cant go anywhere. Besides, who knows if you actually get to be 75...a lot can happen in a lifetime *knock on wood*.

Ofcourse if everything was this black and white it would be an easy choice...unfortunately I do love to sleep...and find myself in a much happier mood if I have slept 8-9 hours opposed to 6-7 hours. -My boyfriend can confirm that...

I just wish I could get myself out of bed more often to watch the sunrise. It is an almost religious experience...

That damn sleep


Anonymous said...

You get used to sleeping less the more diligent you are about it, and soon the extra waking hours will also bring you more happiness. In many situations, happiness is a choice. But, good that you are finally beginning to see the light. Try your math again with 4 - 5 hours a night :)

Oh, and always let the very first thing you do when you get out of bed be a good one.

A little quote for you: "Every day is lost in which we do not learn something useful. Man has no nobler or more valuable possession than time; therefore never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." - Beethoven (who would douse himself with ice water to keep awake). Einstein was also one to sleep very little - both of those chaps turned out to do pretty well for themselves and us.

from the association of People Who Think We Should Sleep Less Than We Do And Spend The Extra Time To Live More Life

Anonymous said...

So my snoring is actually a good thing? :D