Friday, June 06, 2008

A Series of Unfortunate Events?

I believe that at some point towards the end of last week, I came in contact with a portal in the space continuum. I cannot tell you exactly when nor where this happened, but I am pretty convinced that it did. I believe that the said portal brought me to the year 2008 on an alternate time-line.

No, I am not insane…

I started last week with the ironic event that I mentioned in my previous post, but somehow I managed to land on my feet. I worked well in the lab and was even rendered eligible for a job in October (when Im supposed to finish my thesis). Everything went according to plan. That is, until Thursday. Thursday afternoon I was going to sign my name on the list for use of the electron microscope on Friday,-only to find that the microscope was shut down for the rest of the week. Obviously this fucked up my plans for the following week, as I now had to use the microscope on Monday…Not a big problem, just unfortunate. I am not sure if this is when I entered the portal, but it may have been.

The weekend went by without any significant issues, -it was actually a pretty nice weekend.

Then come Monday.

Monday started with an empty tank of Carbon Dioxide gas in the lab, and certain death for my algae. Then followed a talk with my supervisor telling me we would have to apply for a deadline extension for my thesis. Hence, Monday brought longer period of lab work, longer student existence for yours truly, higher student loan and the loss of a possible job in October.

I took the rest of the day off.

Tuesday. –The plan was to ignore the dismays of the previous day and treat myself to a membership card at the gym. –Work off the anger and all that…So I skipped Uni, packed my sweats and showed up at the gym. –Only to find that I couldnt buy a semester card until July 1st, unless I was willing to pay half the price of 6 months for 1 month of work out…a month of which I will spend at least one week on holidays. Obviously I couldnt afford this and would have to wait a month. No exercise and more anger. –I went home and did some sit-ups…but it just wasnt the same.

Wednesday. I decided to get over myself and swallow my anger. Went back to Uni with a slight feeling of optimism. After all, three’s a charm right? The third day would be good.

I am standing in front of the main door, Wednesday morning, ready to swipe my keycard so that I can enter my office and get to work. I swipe. Nothing. Swipe again. Nothing. Nothing but a red, no-access sign staring me in the face. Mocking me. My card is blocked. I no longer have access to my office. I walk down to the main building to see if I am blocked from the lab as well. I am not, but while entering I meet one of the people in charge of the algal cultivation lab who tells me no tank with gas will arrive until Friday. Goodbye algae. I will have to start my experiments from scratch…Wonderful.

In an attempt to fix my keycard I arrived at the main science building to find that the one single person who could help me had the day off.

Fuck it. I took the day off too.

Today is Thursday. I tried to get my card fixed but nothing will happen until tomorrow at the earliest. Tomorrow will be Friday. I am right now outside with a notebook and a pen, writing this while looking for a portal to take me back to the time-line I was born on. The time-line that holds my friends, my family. A place for reason and positive predictability. The time-line where even the crappiest of events make somewhat sense.

I am not confident that I will find this portal, and if I dont, this post will be my letter of warning.

A warning that portals exist. That is it possible to transfer from one time-line in the space continuum to another. And a warning to let you know that the two worlds can be so alike you wont know the difference before the shit hits the fan…

If you never hear from me again I might have found a different portal for a different time-line. That…or a flying De Lorean.

In the meantime; Consider yourself warned.


Beatnik said...

There are bigger plans for you it would appear. Aliens are not real, its just a blip in the time space continuum. Thats why we see them for a short period and then they are gone. You could be an Alien in someone elses Time/Space. Those Aliens in the Southern US, apparently have a penchant for anal sex too. Everyone picked up has been analy probed you know.

I am still hoping things turn around for ya!


Wawa said...

Linn - That really sucks. I can only imagine how frustrated you are. When youfind the portal I hope it transports you to 2005 March at Planet Hollywood. I will meet you there this time. I promise :)

Check out my site, you inspired me to post a clip for you...and I took down the traffic feed.

Wawa said...

I really like your new picture, Linni!!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.