Thursday, October 12, 2006

A female secret revealed

I like to cry...

There. I said it. The cat's out of the bag. No turning back.

I like to cry. -But only if I can choose under which terms the crying takes place.
Example: You've had a long week, work has been a bitch, Uni has been a bitch and all you want to do is hang out and relax with a good movie. Now, any other person might choose a comedy. Gotta laugh to feel better right?
I would choose a sappy chick flick.
Why you ask?
So that I can cry.

There is something cleansing and liberating with a good cry. The more tears you can produce and hence the more swollen you can make your face look, the better you will feel afterwards (-unless you have to step outside in the public eye of course)...And if you can manage to bring forward the sob that starts in your toe and moves up your legs and lower waist, through your stomach and out your mouth in short, deep moans, you've really hit the happiness-jackpot. We're talking a happy-trip better than any drug can induce. A good cry like that is cleansing, but it has to be a good cry...None of that "my boyfriend broke up with me"-cry, or "I just lost someone I love"-cry...-cries that make your stomach hurt for days and weeks and months. Those are awful and no one should ever have to go through those....I am simply talking about the voluntary cries. The cries you will have forgotten 30 minutes after you had them.

A good cry gives a feeling very similar to sexual release and I will bet my ass (if I just had one...) that you can ask any girl out there, -and possibly some guys too, about it and they will tell you this is true. A good cry makes your body relax, and it makes you feel twice as happy about your own situation as you did before you initiated the crying. Why meditate when you can cry?

So now you know guys. The secret is out.
Im sorry girls. I know I am telling one of womanhoods deepest secrets here...but I think the male population needs to know. They need to know so that they will leave us alone the next time we watch Ghost. No more of that "Poor baby"-shit. We aint crying 'cause we're unhappy! We're crying cause it makes us feel good.

So there.

Various forms of the Happiness drug:
North Country
Finding Neverland
City of Angels
Pay it Forward
Brokeback Mountain

Feel free to add your drug of choice.


Beatnik said...

I Cried when I saw Titanic. The emotion started as soon as the Opening Credits were done. I came to the realization I was never going to see the money I paid to get in again, and I had 2 hours until I would see closing credits. It was a long two week fight trying to insure I didnt have to see that Shipwreck (no pun intended) but I lost. I was shamed into attending with my wife and a 93 year old neighbor lady. I guess those two weeks of highly charged emotion fighting over going or not going, paying to get in, and the fact I had to watch that over dramatized fictional piece of crap, was too much. I cried like a baby. But I fit right in. Everyone else was bawling like babies over that sensationalized piece of crap too. Oh well just talking about it must be healing because I only felt my eyes well up just now typing this memory.

Anonymous said...

Beat needs to meet Matt.

Linni so speaks the truth!! Linni RULES!


Anonymous said...

Now, this post is amazing. You made me think at so many things, all in few seconds.
I tend to have a weird relationship with crying. I didn't cry to any of the movies you said. The rares times I cry watching a movie, no one else's crying. Wooops... Like, am I the only one seeing the emotional thing here?!
Thing is, I really seldom cry, even in private. I'm that kind of person who'd rather stare at the nowhere and maybe let a few tears come down. Like when I leave a place I loved, or go back to my routine life after something great happeend to me. It usually happens when I'm on a flight or a train. (I try not to let it happen while I'm driving a car, ya know...)
Of course, I did really cry sometimes. But the more I get old, the less I do it.
The Ice Woman...